Report an Attack


Please use the form below to report a cyber attack on your organization.
INVNT/IP is particularly focused upon attacks seeking high-value (“crown jewel”) Intellectual Property.


This information is for the use of INVNT/IP only, to help in reducing nation-sponsored IP theft.

Note: Name as it appears online may be modified, per instructions below. Please use your real name here to allow confidential verification, if necessary.

Please add the website(s) attacked if applicable.
Please describe the attack, with any related press account urls, what was stolen, method of attack, etc. Include details that may help in linking this attack with others, or in identifying the source of the attack.
If so, check here, and we will contact you directly.


This is information that will be exposed for public viewing.
Please describe the attack, with any related press account urls, what was stolen, method of attack, etc.
Please add the website(s) attacked if applicable.

We thank you for your assistance in reducing this illegal activity.